Computer Forensics Tools & Techniques Catalog

Entering tool / technique information

You have selected to enter information for a Disk Imaging tool / technique. If this is correct, please enter the requested information in the fields below. If this is incorrect, please select the correct functionality/tool type from the menu bar on the left.
(Note: some tools perform multiple forensic functions. Such tools will need to be submitted multiple times, once for each function they support.)

Contact information

Your name:
Your email address:

General tool / technique information

Tool / technique name:
Release date:
URL to tool / technique description:
Developer name:
Developer website URL:
Available test reports  (e.g., report title + where or from whom it may be obtained; use semicolons for multiple reports):

Detailed tool / technique information

Select the parameter values that best describe the tool / technique. Ctrl-click (Cmd-click for Macs) to select multiple values for a parameter.

Forensic Functionality:Disk Imaging
Technical Parameters: Tool host OS / runtime environment: Supported evidence interfaces: Supported target/destination interfaces: Types of data that may be acquired: Supported acquisition methods: Supported image file formats: Support for restoring the contents of an image file to a device: Digest hash algorithms: Data encryption: